Mama Gee’s customer seen buying her husband-snatching charm exposed (Video+Photos)

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Remember the video which has since gone viral about some young Ghanaian girls busily queuing to buy Mama Gee’s juju herbs or husband-snatching charm in her shop at Madina, a suburb of Accra? Good.

Also Read: Mad rush by Ghanaian girls for Mama Gee’s ‘Sweet Tonga’ Juju to charm men for money, cars, iPhones (Video)

And did you also notice one fair lady in a yellow dress who was busily getting all her stuff from Mama Gee in the same video? Good. (Watch the video below)

Well, yours truly BieGyaNation.Com has identified the said fair lady in question as a Ghanaian nurse who works with one of the reputable hospitals in Ghana.

She is known as Nana Abena Hertie but uses Nhanha Arbynha Hertie as her username on social media.

What yours truly BieGyaNation.Com has so far gathered about her is, that she attended Nifa Senior High School in Koforidua, Eastern Region of Ghana.

She is believed to be 23 years of age (born on December 3, 1996) and completed her SHS in 2014.

Well, judging from how busy she was buying her stuff used for charming men in the video, one can only imagine the kind of nursing training she had and how she practices her trade at her work place.

Also Read: Mama Gee arrested by FDA for selling unregistered Juju love charm products(Video+Photos)

Such are the slay queens who only go to work to spend all their time on Facebook, SnapChat, Whatsapp and nothing else.

God saves us all from such nurses when we visit the hospitals. Amen!

Mama Gee's customer Nana Abena Hertie Ghanaian nurse.
Mama Gee’s customer, Nana Abena Hertie, the Ghanaian nurse
Mama Gee's customer Nana Abena Hertie Ghanaian nurse Madina
Mama Gee’s customer, Nana Abena Hertie
Mama Gee's customer Nana Abena Hertie Ghanaian nurse Rawlings Park.
Mama Gee’s customer, Nana Abena Hertie

Source: BieGyaNation.Com

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